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  1. How do I place my order?

A. Via the pre-order link http://artroomgirls.com/

B. Email any bulk orders (any quantity above 10pcs) via orders@artroomgirls.kurshiah.com with bank-in slip attached

  1. Is there any limit to the numbers of sets I can order?
  2. Do I have to pay in full upon ordering?
    Yes. Orders will only be processed once payment has been confirmed and bank-in slip uploaded
  3. Can I pay by credit card?
    No. the only mode of payment is by direct deposit into the following account:
    Bank: Maybank
    Name : Art Room Girls Enterprise
    Acc. number : 562106824493
    Ref: Order number
    Proof of payment must be attached to your order
  4. Can I get a refund if I cancel my order?
    No cancellations or refunds accepted
  5. When can I expect delivery of my calendars?
    The calendars will be shipped out 5 weeks following the launch date 01/10/2021
  6. You may also opt to pick-up your order from Ida Borhan or your batch rep:
    Address: Shah Alam Please Contact: 010 8736991 for collection address
  7. Do we ship to international locations? No. Sorry we do not ship overseas as calendars will not arrive before Dec 31 2021
  8. Where do our profits go? 10 % of profits will be channelled to Kelab Guru TKC